I need
help now

06221 831 282
› Info

Housing wanted

We are looking for affordable housing for female residents of the women's refuge (and their children) in the Heidelberg area.

The faster our women's refuge residents can move into a new home, the faster space becomes available for more women seeking help from the shelter. 

After staying at the women's refuge, no woman should be forced to return to a violent partner simply because she is unable to find affordable accommodation.

The women and their children have already been through a lot. They have generally come to us from a faraway town or community and are beginning a new chapter in their lives here. Although these women no longer need the high level of protection and intensive support of the women's refuge, they continue to be provided with support to help them manage the transition to a new and independent life.

We still work alongside the women after they move out, supporting them in a new area of town, helping with applications and official matters, and acting as a point of contact for any questions and concerns.

We need your support in order to do this – if you have a 1-3 room apartment to let or if you are interested in our project but still have some questions about it, please call us on:

0152-213 270 39

or send us an email at


Autonomous Women's refuge

Telephone 06221 833 088
Fax 06221 830 659


Phone times
Monday - Friday
9.00 - 12.00

Emergency number
(outside phone times)

Telephone 06221 831 282

Postal address
Postfach 10 23 43
69013 Heidelberg

Packing list

If possible, bring the following documents for yourself and any children you may have:

  • Passports, identity cards, social insurance cards
  • Health insurance card(s)
  • Any necessary medication
  • Personal things that are important to you and which help you feel better
  • Favourite toy for children
  • Birth and marriage certificates
  • Children's vaccination record (Impfpass) and health record (Untersuchungsheft)
  • Proof of income (e.g. payslip or statement from the job centre)
  • Bank statements
  • References

Download packing list as PDF

Admission is also possible without the above documents.

The women's refuge is unfortunately not accessible to everyone. Please tell us if you have additional needs the first time you contact us and we will try to find an individual solution for you.

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