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Legal Notice

The following information contains the statutory mandatory disclosures on the identification of the provider as well as important legal notices of this website. The provider of this website in the legal sense is

Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. Heidelberg

Postfach 102343
69013 Heidelberg

Association office:
Mannheimerstraße 228
69123 Heidelberg

Tel. 06221 705 605
Fax 06221 705 604


Responsibility pursuant to section 5 of the German Teleservices Act (TMG):
A. Brendlein, A. Schäfer, J. Tornow-Gaisbauer

Tax reference number 32489/39004
Heidelberg tax office

Association register 331003
Mannheim local court
Management Board: A. Brendlein, A. Schäfer, J. Tornow-Gaisbauer

Liability notice:
Although we have checked the content of external links carefully, we cannot accept any liability for such content. The content of the linked pages is the responsibility of the relevant operators alone.

Home page concept, text & design

Unternehmensberatung für Sozialmarketing
Dr. Christine Hardegen, Heidelberg

in collaboration with

Viktor Lehmann, Heidelberg

Picture credits

© Annette Schrimpf, Mannheim

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